Virgin Active: Find Your Mix

A woman in pink pyjamas boxing red boxing gloves on a purple background. The text on the right reads 'FIND YOUR MIX' with the Virgin Active logo

The context

We were asked to create a brand-building national campaign for Virgin Active. The work needed to showcase the variety of exercise on offer in their clubs and through their digital membership.

When it comes to exercise, we all have our reasons. The idea for the campaign was to champion these unique motivations and give a glimpse of the stories behind them. The ​‘Mix’ idea took the many possibilities of a Virgin Active membership, grouped them together and linked it all to a real-life benefit. This stopped exercise from feeling like an abstract, endless endeavour and instead showed off the achievable big benefits of getting active.

Their Thing: Find your mix
A woman dancing to rock music whilst using an exercise bike on a turquoise background. The headline reads 'ANNA'S ME TIME MIX'
A man dressed in a suit while wearing goggles on his forehead on a pink background. The headline reads 'TOM'S GROOM IN JUNE MIX'
A woman in retro workout clothes and rainbow sweatbands hula hooping on a purple background. The headline reads 'ROBYN'S SPIRIT LIFTER MIX'
An older woman lunging in a pilates pose whilst holding a baby mobile. The headline reads 'Fern's grandson-ready mix'
Text: 'FIND YOUR MIX' in a red square on a black background
A streetside digital billboard with an image of a woman listening to music whilst on an exercise bike, the headline reads 'ANNA'S ME TIME MIX'